Friday, November 15, 2013

Module 2: Embedded system design.

Module 2: Embedded system design.
Chapter 1: Circuit design and simulation

1.     Circuit design principles.
2.     Circuit design software.
3.     PCB Etching. 
4.     Component mounting.

Chapter 2:   Computer Organization & Architecture

1.     Function of a computer.
2.     Computer System Organization.
3.     CPU Operation.
4.     Single-core computer.
5.     Multi-core architectures.
6.     BIOS.
7.     Block Diagram of Typical Computer.
8.     Serial and Parallel Communications.

 Chapter 3: Introduction to Microcontrollers

1.     What is a Microcontroller?
2.     Why are Microcontrollers used?. 
3.     Internal architecture. 

Chapter 4: Introduction to computer programming

1.     What is computer program?
2.     Multi-level machine.
3.     Multilevel Architecture. 
4.     Components of Instructions.
5.     Level 1 Machine Language (Assembly Language).
6.     Hi level Languages.
7.     Compilers.
8.     Interpreter.
9.     MPLAB Installation.

Chapter 5: Simple LED Projects

1.     Project 1- Flashing LED
2.     Interfacing a press-button switch
3.     Flashing LEDs in knight-rider pattern. 

Chapter 6:  Seven Segment Display

1.     Mod 10 counter (Single Digit)
2.     Mod 10000 counter (Four Digits)
3.     Flashing LEDs in knight-rider pattern.
4.     Interfacing a switch – a button press counter


Chapter 7: Liquid crystal Display.

1.     Type of LCD’S
2.     LCD controller

Chapter 8: Interrupts handling.

1.     What is an interrupt 
2.     Software Interrupts
3.     Keypad controller.

Chapter 9: RS232 Communication

1.     Introduction To Serial Communication.
2.     Bi-Directional Communications.
3.     Communicating by Bits.
4.     The Parity Bit.

Chapter10:  Stepper Motors.

1.     Motors Type
2.     DC Motors.
3.     Servo Motors.
4.     Full step phase sequence

Chapter11: DAC & ADC

1.     What is an interrupt 
2.     Software Interrupts
3.     Keypad controller.

Chapter12: Transducers

1.     What is an interrupt 
2.     Software Interrupts
3.     Keypad controller.

Chapter13: Pulse Width Modulation

1.     What is an interrupt 
2.     Software Interrupts
3.     Keypad controller.

Chapter14: Memory Technology

1.     What is an interrupt 
2.     Software Interrupts
3.     Keypad controller.

Chapter15: Port programming

1.     What is an interrupt 
2.     Software Interrupts
3.     Keypad controller.

Chapter 16:  Mini Project.    

1.      Submit Project Proposal. 
2.      Approval of Project.
3.      Implementation.
4.      Presentation.

Brake Down Of Duration:
·        Lecture                      :  80 Hr s
·        Practical                    :  80 Hrs
·        Self-Study                 :  100 Hrs
·        Assignments            :  10Hrs
·        Exam                          :  3 Hrs

·         Total                         : 273 Hrs